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Tool Name Description Download Developer Date
AG Base Plate with Moment & Axial Compression This Excel Sheet designs Base Plates for I-Shape Steel Columns. With Bending Moment & Axial Compression as per ASD. it covers both cases (Large & Small) Eccentricity. it can be used for any profile or BUS as it is not linked to profiles tables. Reference : AISC Design Guide # 1 - 2nd. Edition. Note: No Protection Password.
Ahmed Alghamry

2018 07

Boris Guzikov

2018 07

AISC_ASD_Base_plate_thickness_V2016_2 Version V2016-2. The calculation of supporting surface's area that is geometrically similar to and concentric with the loaded area is added.
Boris Guzikov

2018 07

Anchor A set of Mathcad Worksheets I made to deal with anchors made of embedded studs. 
Manuel I Oliveros

2018 07

Anchorage to Concrete ACI 318-11 Appendix D This demo design sheet covers all types of anchors design including newly added adhesive anchors per lastest ACI 318-11 Appendix D. Features include auto-generation of calculations and graphics of each failure mode. It's very powerful yet extremely easy to use. Sign up a free account per direction to gain full access.
2018 07

ANCHORBOLT(318_08) "Anchor Bolt(318-08).xls" is a MS-Excel spreadsheet workbook for the analysis of anchor bolt anchorage per ACI 318-08, Appendix D. The spreadsheet is designed to find the embedment strength of a determined anchor bolt or bolts within certain concrete parameters. Tables and figures have been given adjacent to the required data cells in an attempt to self contain the calculations within the worksheet. The spreadsheet is protected but with no password required on worksheets "Tension Reinf." and "Shear Reinf." "Doc" and "Anchorage" worksheets are protected with password. "Anchorage" worksheet has been revised to 1.5.2. Thank you for your comments to help improve the format and miscellaneous minor errors. 
David R Taylor

2018 07

Base plate thickness by ASD, I-section column and concrete The Spreadsheet V2016-3 is based on the methodology of AISC with additions for the combined strength. The calculation of supporting surface's area that is geometrically similar to and concentric with the loaded area is added
Boris Guzikov

2018 07

Base_Plate_ASD Baseplate design per 9th Edition ASD
2018 07

Base_Plate_Lrfd Baseplate design per 2nd Edition LRFD
2018 07

BASEPLT9 Base plate design including including anchor bolt tension (AISC 9th Edition ASD)
Alex Tomanovich

2018 07

BOEF Beam on elastic foundation analysis.
Alex Tomanovich

2018 07

EMBEDPL2 "EMBEDPL2.xls" is a MS-Excel spreadsheet workbook for the analysis of (2) Headed Concrete Anchors, HCA, per ACI 318-08, Appendix D. The spreadsheet is designed to find the embedment strength in concrete for the required plate within certain concrete parameters. The spreadsheet is protected but with no password required. This type of design is typically used in tilt-up or precast concrete wall connections.
David R. Taylor

2018 07

FOOTINGS Rectangular Spread Footing Analysis/Design. Capabilities include analysis of rigid footings/mats with up to 16 piers (load points), as well as the handling of uniaxial/biaxial eccentricities.
Alex Tomanovich

2018 07

LRFD Base Plate Thickness The Spreadsheet V2016-3 is based on the methodology of AISC with additions for the combined strength. The calculation of supporting surface's area that is geometrically similar to and concentric with the loaded area is added.
Boris Guzikov

2018 07

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